While St. Clair Software has made every effort to deliver a high quality product, we do not guarantee that this product is free from defects. St. Clair Software is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser's computer system or data and in no event will St. Clair Software, its officers, directors, employees or agents be responsible to the purchaser for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of data) arising out of the use or inability to use the St. Clair Software product, even if St. Clair Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.
Default Folder was designed and written by Jon Gotow, inspired by the complaints and vision of Adel Assaad. Thanks also to Adel for his contributions to both the conceptual and user interface design.
Thanks to the many folks who have served as beta testers and provided valuable feedback throughout Default Folder's lifetime.
Thanks to Green Mountain Software, whose DOCMaker product is used to distribute Default Folder's documentation as a standalone application.
Thanks to Michael Kahl and all the folks who made Think C the most fantastic development environment around. Now if the editor would only work like 'vi' and Symantec would get their act together on C++…
TMON Pro is a great product -- thanks to Waldemar Horwat and those at ICOM Simulations, Viacom New Media, MindVision, and anyone else that made the product possible.
"Thanks" to Microsoft, who's programmers seem to have a wonderful knack for making all other programmers' lives a little more difficult.
Finally, the biggest thanks have to go to my wife, Jessica, for putting up with me disappearing into the study for hours (days?) at a time. Really, I promise I'll take out the garbage right after this one last change...